Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I wish..

I wish..
I wish..
and I wish it badly..
that my boss will let me go early tomorrow..

Monday, December 28, 2009



不知道怎么搞的,好像一直不太顺利.. 一早醒来感觉就怪怪了,但是又不知道那里怪。到了午餐时间就开始了..

先是朋友没有注意到电话响,所以没买我的午餐.. 算~反正我没什么想吃东西.. 可是老板一直叫我去吃东西,不然就吃杯面..

哪里知道.. 我开车一退后,一个不小心就..
啊!其实不算是撞啦.. 但是就是.. 刮花了他的屁屁,还有我的车身.. 啊~~~对不起!!对不起乘∞


后来也没有什么怪事发生了啦.. 但是人好像重重的.. 然后我七点多就跑人了,也没有什么急事,但是就是..
不知道那一条筋突然断掉,大脑加小脑挣脱枷锁,齐齐跑出来跟我说:现在立刻收拾东西回家吧!(加一个大大的笑脸然后我就溜了.. 这次没撞到车

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Post Christmas Celebration XD


醒来准备一下,提早出门,因为今天要去装车后坐的safety belt。结果老板睡过头,我在公司门口吸收了了半个小时多的早晨阳光才进去。进去工作没多久,老板又赶人走了,也不知道是要到哪里去玩.. 不管,总之今天去公司facebook,读blog,等render,发呆,然后就回家。就酱.. 啦~~

午餐时间,我和姐姐跑到Batu Ferringhi靠近Toys Museum一间叫Vintage Bulgaria的Bulgarian餐厅去吃午餐.. 价钱中上,食物不错.. 我也不知道该怎么说,因为我叫了一份Set Lunch,Main Course是鸡胸肉,然后我不太喜欢鸡胸肉啦.. 不过整个environment很有.. 嗯.. 异国风情

差不多吃完的时候,突然收到朋友的电话,问我们要不要去Queensbay逛逛。反正闲着无聊,就去join他们.. 而我真的没有后悔去了这一趟,因为我见到了我挚爱的英雄--英勇无敌的蝙蝠侠Batman!

Queensbay不知道为什么举办了这样一个推广Batman的活动。应该是整个星期都有这样的一个活动.. 还有一个短短的舞蹈表演,是讲Batman对抗Joker的故事,还蛮不错的,不过因为我全身的骨头都有一个很严重的病,叫懒惰!而整程我都要站着,觉得很累.. 在加上我很不喜欢陌生人靠近我,但是人多是难免会有很多人挤上来.. 但是不用钱的东西,是这样的啦~ 哦!而且听说这个舞台不知道有的很么比赛的设计冠军!


还有还有!象牙蚌!!长得很.. A,看了好三级..

赞啦!真的!我不爱吃瓜类食物.. 但是这好吃!

还有.. 清蒸虾配点酒.. 要是虾子能够再新鲜点,然后少煮个几秒,整个是perfect!现在只是..

最后就是.. 酸辣螃蟹配馒头~ 这个不想解释太多,味道好!但螃蟹欠新鲜..


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas~

Merry Christmas!!


因为外面很塞车塞人,令我哪里都不想去,所以我睡到下午才醒来.. 发现昨天半夜有人打电话给我,但是我睡到死猪一样,什么都没听到


也因为外面很塞车塞人,我的圣诞晚餐就叫了很久没有吃的Pizza,加我们没吃过的Hot Wings和Honey BBQ Wings.. 算是不错的啦,不过鸡好像有点不新鲜,有点臭臭的,超恶!不过除掉那个味道,其实是不错的。

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

幸运的Christmas eve



今天真的没什么做到工,早上迟到,发现老板不在,晃来晃去,等到9:30am.. (还是更迟?)才进到公司。工作一下子,就跑出去吃午餐..
一吃就吃了一个小时半,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!中间还见了一个很久不见的朋友一下.. 爽到~ 不过我们是花了大概半个小时的时间在塞车.. 然后回到公司,听client讲一点东西,东摸摸西莫摸,没多久老板就说:做完手头上的东西就回家吧!结果我久等了久的render,五点多就回到家了!超级早!我还以为今天不知道要做到几点的..

有任何节日的槟城真的不是人住的.. 住还好,出去玩就想死..
试想想--出门塞车花了很多车油费,然后要冒着车被刮花的危险,因为每个人都被塞得发神经了.. 再来,转进停车场,按了parking ticket就开始算钱咯。假设一个小时RM1,在里面找位子都差不多要一个小时了,还要跟人抢位,被人唾骂,被人honk到‘起笑’。好不容易找到parking走进去,人又多到~~吃东西、看电影、唱K、逛街买东西..全部都要跟人挤,还要排队.. 想到就让人抓狂!!最最讨厌等了!那个整天要我等的人啊,自己注意点啦.. 还parking还到穷..

整天把我当沙丁鱼夹到扁.. 如果逛boutique,要是看中什么衣服要试,也要在dressing

Anyway, merry christmas!! 还是要祝所有的朋友开开心心的啦.. 我想..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


For friends who are unhappy lately..

看你微妙的变化 慢慢不同
我不是生气 只是心痛
但不能说 你会这麽做 是我的错

爱是为了拥抱 为了牵手
不是为了争吵 为了调头
记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩

记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩

记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩

Monday, December 21, 2009



浪费了一整天的时间,没什么做到工.. 一整天等render都等到发霉了。在office吃了平时都舍不得买的韩国泡面,还不错!但是.. 我还是好想念红叶亭真正的泡菜,好想好想.. 可惜现在没钱,然后啊.. 今天有个贱人突然打电话给我,说他很想念我.. 原来是吃了海鲜大餐,突然想到我是个海鲜迷,打电话来炫耀.. 贱!!

晚上,把部分工作完成后,想到今天是冬至,就约姐姐一起去糖朝吃汤圆。当然,姐姐负责吃汤圆,我负责看.. 想要我自愿吃糖水,慢慢等啦~ 我闻到味道都怕了..

等的当儿,我当然不可能闲着啦!我叫了炸云吞和金钱鸡,还有一杯真的不太甜的哈密瓜汁,满好吃好喝的 ^^



I need money..

I need lots of money 


kacHing~ kacHing~

Monday, December 14, 2009



Nothing seems to go right this morning.

First, I woke up with an unwell stomach, probably cause of the potatoes I ate yesterday morning. Then I got out of home late.. I may be at fault for these 2 incidents, but what drive me nuts are all the incidents that happen next..

After getting out from the petrol station and got to a traffic light, there was a long queue, what's worse is.. I stopped right behind a super slow and kia si aunty-driving-dirty grey-Proton Tiara with the car registration number P*S 6768!! She's a super CAREFUL driver that wants to avoid ALL accidents, but only to make other drivers wanted to hit her car HARD!! I don't drive fast, and don't follow cars too close.. but she's a thousand times worse than me! When we were at the traffic lights, her car was about one and a half cars away from the car in front of hers, and she stopped whenever a car or a motorcycle got a little bit closer to hers, and it was one of the busiest hour of the day, surely there were lots of vehicles on the road. I was already late, and she kept on using the same road with me, which means blocking me all the way! AND I CAN'T GOT THROUGH HER BECAUSE THE ROAD IS TOO NARROW!!! Hello auntie, do you realise that other people don't have as much time as you do?!

Next, I got into office and hear my boss's laptop's alarm keep on ringing.. it was some music, but it stopped midway and repeated again and again and again.. non stop!! It's a kind of mental abuse!!! I really hope I won't dream bout it at night.. and now I'm extremly thankful to QY for switching it off, love you loads

Hopefully the rest of my day will turn out to be good.. used up too much energy to get furious and crazy this morning.. whew~

Sunday, December 13, 2009



Don't know what's wrong with the network at home.. I can't online or call out!! [I'm in office
right now]

Oh well, I can call out and also receive others phone calls, but whenever the call get through, all I hear is my own voice and some alien language. I thought it was my phone getting crazy, but after changing phones the same problems exist, so I went to a Maxis centre to ask bout it, they said it's some network problem and asked me to switch off my 3G, and it got back to normal... TILL I GOT HOME!! Okay, so maybe an alien was in my room trying to communicate with me.. I'm SO NOT interested!! Get back to your planet at once!!!

Now.. my internet.. Everything seems fine, until last week when I woke up from a nap, it can't be used anymore. I reset and restarted the modem but the line is not moving at all!!

I really don't know what's wrong, suddenly almost every way to contact people from home seemed to be blocked.. I can only send sms, or else drive out just to make some calls..


Friday, December 11, 2009

Twilight: New Moon

Yes!! I've finally watched Twilight: New Moon last night, though lots of people said the movie is not nice, some even said it's only a girl's love story, I think it's okay.. of course not as good as the first one, but still.. better then some other movies.

Oh, and Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) is SO good looking in short hair

I want to eat salmon salmon salmon, fresh salmon~ but I've no money.. and I think I hurt my throat by coughing too hard.. spit a little blood out this morning [not vomit blood].. but I still want to eat salmon salmon salmon... The thought of fresh salmon makes me hungry...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm over probation period!!! Woohoo~

but still haven't got any money

IF anyone wants me to treat them

because I just got my 2 weeks salary

and the stupid Maybank cheque deposit machine broke down

but I'm still happy~


Sunday, December 6, 2009


I'm coughing my lungs out..

Let's pray..

that my boss is not coming back today..

till night


Friday, November 27, 2009


Hahahha! After Sabah trip I haven't been eating any seafood, until today!!!

I woke up this morning and found out that I might need to walk to work, while many people are celebrating either school holidays or Hari Raya Haji.. and I wasn't feeling very well too, and I felt like........... well, what I felt didn't really matter anymore, because about 8 in the morning I got a call and found out that boss 大发慈悲, so I didn't need to work.. woohoo~ After that, a friend called and ask me out, and we went to have seafood dinner at Pantai Bersih Ah Chong's Seafood Restaurant! Lalala~

We ordered fried mee 炒皇帝面, just because we think we need some proper food.. oh well, I don't really like it, cause I dont really like proper food XD, but it tasted okay..

and Thai Style Kappa 酸酐蒸 kappa.. very nice, very sour, hehehehhe.. and perfect for garlic lovers. I loathe garlic (uek...), but it tasted very good.

Then, Mantis Prawns 椒盐濑尿虾, one of my favourites.. but not very nice here, not spicy nor salty, and not even fried nicely.. I was imagining something like 奶油虾 or 麦片虾, but no.. and SO expensive!! RM80+ for 3 mantis prawns?!

Next, vege.. yum yum~ this tasted the best (I think).. 罗汉斋.. yummy!! My favourite broccolli~ plus some mushroom and abalone and 豆枝, love it!

Finally, today's main course.. salted egg crabs 咸蛋炒蟹.. there's no way to decribe how perfect the combination of salted egg and crabs.. too bad I'm still not feeling too well today and can't eat much.. argh!
