Monday, June 29, 2009




上到一半,也就是走完了一摊摊做游客生意的档口,就有个很大的中国风亭子,亭子下面养满了乌龟。其实大多数的乌龟都是别人养大了就在这里放生的啦,真的是多到.. 不可以再在这里放生了啦,真的太多太多乌龟,多到它们已经不能‘脚踏实地’了。那些‘脚踏实地’的乌龟都成了别的龟龟的‘踏脚龟’。想想,那些乌龟没有老死,就会先被踩死啦!每天每天,连睡觉都在玩叠罗汉。

终于爬到半山,到寺庙了。喔呼..我突然觉得一阵昏眩,好像飞到了外太空,漂浮着,看见很多星星,一闪一闪亮晶晶.. 哎哟,这时才想到我整天都没吃到东西(因为迟醒然后懒惰找吃),嘻!还好我喜欢随身带着巧克力,忘了吃东西突然肚子饿、缺乏氨多芬,又或者遇到类似的状况的时候可以拿出来吃,多好。休息了一下,就进去寺庙拜拜。



正在进行的如火如荼的观音亭.. 观音像建筑工程看了超级宏伟,看到时只想到一个字,就是:哇!




下山要离开时,我们被一档卖直芝麻的档口吸引到了。因为他写着'Penang Muar Chee' 槟城满钱!满钱,看了就很爽,哈哈!所以就买了一盒来吃,不过,嗯...不太好吃...

刚刚过的星期六晚,因为亲朋戚友全部都不在槟城,我就吵着微微说要去他家。回去他家之前,我们突然想到很久都没有见到祥哥了,就call他出来yamcha。结果约在IRC见面,里面是热到... 我头一次感谢有个抽烟的朋友,因为不然我也不会想到外面去坐(我没有炸谁的意思)。在那里也没多聊什么,因为一直玩facebook,玩来玩去,然后拍照,一开始正正常常的拍,到后来扮可爱,然后做丑脸、扮酷,就是发神经,释放一番啦!

哎哟!我要准备睡觉了,没注意到时间...明天要赶两间karaoke房,然后有个神经病的client又要我重新想一个设计给他,不是改哦,是重新设计,害我白费心机,切~ 还有一个.. 一间小到不行的房间,要改.. 老板说那个没收钱,纯粹是帮朋友画的而已.. 他是不爽屁啊?浪费时间的又不是他。那个,我倒是无所谓啦~反正他收钱我又没得分,做生做死就为了那一点刚刚好养活自己的工钱.. 我等、我忍,我看我会让你欺负多久


Friday, June 19, 2009


耶~终于找到了‘泪了’的MV,不过还蛮令人失望的,因为没什么故事.. 还害我找了那么久.. 但是,歌还是很好听啦,我一听就爱上了(大概一两个月前的事啦)。

上星期,外婆来槟城探望我时,说他想吃那出名的cendol和laksa,就是那个Penang Road Famous Teochew Cendol Ice Kacang。那里真得很出名哦~ 站着吃便宜一点,坐在店里吃就贵一点;而且一条小路就有两档,都不是一个老板的。那个出名的永远都堆满了人,而另一个和它打对台的就明显输了很多,较像是沾了出名的那档的光而已。我咧,是不喜欢吃cendol啦,椰浆加上那一条条绿色的东西,我不能接受,什么五颜六色乱七八糟的东西..

那个地方.. 我以前没有进去过那里的小巷,那天走过后才发现里面藏有很多较古老的店铺,而且还让我看到一家很有味道的理发院,像是我妈很年轻很年轻(我妈不老)的时候会去的理发院。哇塞!如果天气不是那么热的话我一定会感受一下那感觉,因为加上Penang Road一带都是被保留的古物、古屋,就更有感觉了!

后来我们去了北海的‘喂食街’,姐说那里的‘大禄面’很好吃,我觉得啊!是好吃的啦,纯粹是个人对这类食物兴趣不大而已。另外还有叫了一碗‘猪什咸菜汤’,这个好喝!酸酸咸咸甜甜的,真的不错!咸菜的酸和咸,猪肉的甜味,还有足够的火候,赞!一开始看到banner的时候我还以为是:夜市猪脚-大猪 但是没拍到什么照片,因为拍了一张后就low battery,然后自动关掉了。然后我们还去吃了那里的LokLok,好多好多选择哦~ 而且不会像Pulau Tikus的那样不新鲜!

最近在One Stop附近开了一家新的泰式餐厅,叫Aroi~ 也就是好吃的意思。也不知道是不是新的关系,这间店只有7张桌子,上菜不快,价钱中等,但是一直爆满!食物感觉不错啦。我很喜欢她做的Fish Cakes(不知道华语叫什么)。味道满奇特的,是泰式食物,我在泰国吃过,味道重到让人受不了,来到马来西亚,味道稍微调整后就适合我吃啦~

嗯,TomYam汤也不错,有到位,料也不少,不过就是价钱稍微.. 一点点贵啦,不过真的还好,RM18.90(那碗汤而已)应该可以给2-4个(胃口不太大)人吃了。

还有就是咸猪炒芥兰。我觉得so so,MaaRoy的会比较还吃啦。不过是ok的啦,不会不好吃,但也不会很好吃,就酱!

另外,讲到这个就火大!Gurney里面开了一间日式餐厅,那天无聊是就进去吃个晚餐。要死!非常不好吃!!姐叫了一个Set Lunch,卖相不行不要紧,味道也不好。而我叫了泡菜汤,看到的时候还ok,喝下去.. 是味精汤吧!好咸!还有哦,我们另外又叫了一样什么猪肉生蚝烧烤的东西。我吃东西向来没想太多,这次也一样,一拿就咬下去。结果咧,差点呕出来,臭死了!也不知道是猪肉臭还是生蚝不新鲜,怎么会有那么臭的东西?!*不要po照片上来,我费事被告..*

好啦!又要工作了。老板不知道发什么神经,昨天又丢了一个project来,我心里的OS是:又是pub?!怎么会有那么多pub给他找到啊.. 哎~ 刚才和朋友聊起,他说可能使这种案子赚较多吧!是啦是啦!挤干挤尽我的脑汁,他就口袋满满,又不见得会分给我一点,切~ 脑干掉、没时间、没有钱、没有名、没朋友、没青春,我是人财两失啊!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bad/Good luck??


Duh, there's no need to wait till today.. During the past Saturday my Kancil just got hit again, and again by a motorcycle, and the left side mirror was broken. WoohOoo~ great, now the gold kancil has black ears.. Cost my sis RM100+, argh! Heart ache..

Few weeks back the right side mirror was broken suddenly. It happened when my sister parked the car next to a motorcycle parking space and the next morning found out that the side mirror was broken, so we suspected that a motorcycle hit and run, huh!! Then, this time.. (according to my sis, I was not there) she was finding an apartment, a motorcyclist (an uncle) suddenly turned and hit 'Miss Kancil', and he still wanted us to pay.. huh! He was the one who hit us, still wanted us to pay?! He's nuts! I'll curse him for a few weeks, stupid bloody uncle!!!

Ish.. Have to go to pray, and then cut my hair.. Get rid of all the bad luck..

OoOooh yea, just saw some videos we took during the end of secondary school, some friends posted on facebook.. Hehe, quite nice, brings back memories, but ugh.. I looked so stupid.. Nothing special bout those videos, just some stupid stuff we did, like.. we held a small celebration after a dikir barat competition, or celebrating after graduation ceremony, or eating mooncakes in class during mid-autumn festival (wonder any teachers was there by then..).. things like that. Haha, come to think of it, we find every single opportunity to celebrate and have fun.. we even have a class birthday, and used it as an excuse to tell Ah Sir not to punish us, cause the day was birthday for all of us. Hmn, I'm lucky to meet this kind of group all the time, even when I finished secondary school and got into college..

All right, need to start work now.. Have to start making calls and start the stupid egyptian pub design..

Monday, June 15, 2009


Whew, finally got some time to update my blog for a bit.. while waiting for render.. I'm suppose to start a new project today, but really.. don't know where to start, what stupid pub design with egyptian style.. whatever~ I'll start it tomorrow..

Anyway, my boss came back from overseas last weekend, and I passed all the site work back to him, which is a huge load off my shoulders, whew~

Ooh, my cousin brother came back to Penang last week, and.. well, I was too tired for the week and just kept on sleeping, but we did went out for a while.. We went to the famous Lok Lok at Pulau Tikus for dinner, but eww.. the food there was EXTREMLY not fresh.. I almost vomitted when I ate the prawns. Then, we went to Gurney to watch Terminator Salvation. Ugh.. not nice, or maybe because I didn't watch the previous movie.. I don't really understand the story, plus I'm not really interested in this movie at first, but.. that's not the point. Now I want to watch..
Drag Me To Hell (though I've read that it's not a good story), 17 again (because Zac Efron is too cute!!), and also Hannah Montanna, but everyone (including me) is a little bit too busy lately, or those who're very free are not interested in these movies, so I doubt I'll be watching it.

Yesh, almost time to go back, have to go to meet my grandma soon.. Oh yea, I'm in love with 2 songs lately.. doesn't mean anything, and they're not new songs either, but can calm me down, so.. hehe....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

100 truths

1. Last beverage: Nescafe Kopi O
2. Last phone call: daddy
3. Last text message: alice
4. Last song you listened to: 你要的爱
5. Last time you cried: Er.. Last week? While watching 'Attitude'(态度)

6. Dated someone twice: yaya
7. Been cheated on: of cuz, who doesn't?
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: no~
9. Lost someone special: yep
10. Been depressed: duh, yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: no~ =p

12. white
13. red
14. lime green

15. Made a new friend: erm.. not sure.. oh yaya, yes!
16. Fallen out of love: nope
17. Laughed until you cried: yesh
18. Met someone who changed you: no
19. Found out who your true friends were: er.. i've found out long time ago
20. Found out someone was talking about you: who cares~
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: no larh..

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: mostly i think, who will count that
23. How many kids do you want?: hahaha, don't even found a bf yet.. 龙凤胎,easy~
24. Do you have any pets: no!!
25. Do you want to change your name: nah, love it
26. What did you do for your last birthday: work, stay at home, watch kangxi, sleep
27. What time did you wake up today: 7:00am
28. What were you doing at midnight: watch series, play stupid games, sleep
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: holidays~
30. Last time you saw your Mother: during mothers' day
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: go home? or earn lots of money... get my pay easier
32. What are you listening to right now: 怎样.. 两难
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Tom? No..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: stupid Alice haven't pay me yet
Delta delay sending furniture to site.. sei yan uncle, didn't do as promised
35. Most visited webpage: facebook, hotmail, gmail, google, wretch, friends' blogs
36. Whats your real name: Teng Wai Xian 慧湘(不是外乡/外娴
37. Nicknames: xian, xianxian, 小贞,tiang... a lot more, I don't remember d
38. Relationship Status: single single single
39. Zodiac sign: Taurus, moo~
40. Male or female?: female
41. Primary School?: SRJK Chung Hwa
42. Secondary School?: SM Chung Hwa
43. High school/college?: Equator Academy of Art
44. Hair colour: Black.. but mommy says it's dark reddish brown.. whatever~
45. Long or short: long
46. Height: 162cm
47 Do you have a crush on someone?: no.. i think
48: What do you like about yourself?: ...
49. Piercings: 4
51. Righty or lefty: righty

52. First surgery: stitches on my chin, count or not?
53. First piercing: ears lobes
54. First best friend: don't remember.. my dear PinPin if not wrong
55. First sport you joined: er.. swimming!
56. First vacation: .. Penang? Johor? Thailand? Singapore?

59. Eating: no...
60. Drinking: still Nescafe Kopi O, later Vitagen Collagen, hehehe..
61. I'm about to: continue to do my work
62. Listening to: 最后只好躺下来 from very man eh 黄立行
63. Waiting for: er.. nth..

64. What kids?: huh?! what kids? like i want a dog or frog as my kid
65. Get Married?: hope so
66. Career?: interior designer larh, what else

67. Lips or eyes: both
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: both, can?
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: both
73. Sensitive or loud: ahahaha, both oso..
74. Hook-up or relationship: er.......................................................................................
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant

76. Kissed a stranger: eww, no..
77. Drank hard liquor: sort of..
78. Lost glasses/contacts: sure! both tim~
79. Sex on first date: no..
80. Broken someone's heart: yes, sorry..
82. Been arrested: i don't think so.. if yes, maybe arrested in school.. eating in class or sth, i dun remember d larh
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: ... abo? what kinda question is that
85. Fallen for a friend?: yaya

86. Yourself: erm.. sometimes
87. Miracles: definately!
88. Love at first sight: uh.. no
89. Heaven: yep
90. Santa Claus: stupid
91. Kiss on the first date: not really
92. Angels:

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: NO!
95. Did you sing today?: yaya ^^
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: of course! i'm not a saint
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: dun wan, look forward!
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: what for..
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: no~
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: if not? so mou liu go n change the title?

*P/S - saja do this test, cause too long didn't post anything d~