Thursday, September 10, 2009

nothing to do with 911

i am F R E E~

Finally, after a week working like a cow i am free, woohoo~!! Oh well, not like a cow, just dream less and work more. Yesterday after finish rushing and passing up everything to the.. erm.. carpenter?? (don't know who he is, just know he's a friend of my boss who call himself a Bao and he's in charge of this project, don't even know why I need to do work for him too, but since i learnt quite a lot from him, I'll just keep quiet).. after passing up everything to him it was already 5 something, and since then I wished very hard yesterday was friday already.. but of course my wish didn't come true.. duh.. Today Mr a Bao will go for presentation, and hope everything would be ok, and that I don't need to do much amendments, wheeeeeeeeee~

Now just left some empty plans to draft, and I am sooooo lazy to do anything right now, except lying on my bed and day dream.. not facing this architecture drawings, trying to understand why a 5500mm gate opening is using 4500mm gate? Why want to build a three storey building and left the second floor empty? Also, kinda pity this family.. because there's only one bathroom on the first floor, but there's 5 bedrooms! Pity, hope no one gets diarrhea.. touchwood.. don't want to say anything bad today, since it's not a good day..

Alright, I'll just get back to work, thinking why the 5500mm opening is using 4500mm gate.. ^^

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