Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Chicken。欸,真的不错耶!我叫它的Hot Hot Drum,好吃耶!其实是因为我那个朋友她有三张RM5的coupon,今天要过期了,所以找我一起去花掉咯!
嗯,好悃... 先去睡咯~晚安!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
啊!我烧焦了!!!生活作息乱七八糟,人也七乱糟八,每天就只是忙。快要疯掉快要疯掉~!人家说迟睡会导致肝火上升,所以我想我的肝已经焦掉了吧,哈哈!庆幸我还年轻,还熬得了;庆幸我的大脑,在必要时糊涂,想得不多,自然没什么烦恼... 烦恼,没有烦恼~ 不过,看来我的痘痘大作战是泡汤咯!它们开心的,自在的在我身上游走,而我也不断的提供它们在我身上生存的契机。但是我经常想啊,假如我没有痘痘我会蛮美的吧!但同时也会很骄傲。当然,我知道我现在也很骄傲,甚至某些时候有对人有点恶毒 =p 但人一定要有自己的骄傲吧!我没错吧,hehe...
昨天不知道发什么神经,脑袋失控跑去唱K,一进到去以为我要被女生强奸。她是个卖酒的吧!应该... 最近我看到有一个啤酒的... 牌子,好像蛮红蛮便宜的,广告打得很响,叫Tuborg吧!她穿着那个啤酒牌子的性感连身裙,抢着和工作人员进房,然后立刻关上门!啊~!我本来还打算告诉她我不喝酒的叻,但是那间房间很小,我坐着,她站着,而且她大我至少半倍耶!好可怕~~~她笑着问我要喝什么,我突然明白为什么白雪公主怕她的皇后后母了!
今天回公司加班,回来了又和我的姨丈和表妹去火锅之家吃烧烤。哇靠!我才知道原来价钱可以以身高算的耶!神奇!那如果一群侏儒一起去(我没恶意),他不就亏大了?在那边还可以泡茶... 哈哈!可以泡茶的火锅店,我还是第一次看到啊!真的炸到。这老板太会做生意了啦!那边有一张桌子放着一大桶一大桶那种人家拉一个东西,然后水就会好像小便小出来那种桶,旁边摆着两个盒子,一个写‘普洱’,另一个写‘铁观音’,桌子上面有一个架子,放着泡茶的茶壶,下面有那种去餐厅他们喜欢泡在热水里面的茶杯。哇!火锅之家,它是要抢点心之家的生意哦?(忘了讲,那边还有各种点心可以吃)不过道最后我都没叹茶,因为最近不知道怎么搞的,胃酸严重泛滥,今天喝了很多水,吃了很多都没用,还好没有很痛,就... 痛就让他痛吧~
啊~!我还没写 daily schedule,没准备怎样写 report,还没讨 company profile,每个人都问我写了没?我去哪里呕时间出来?噢!我可以在这里写东东厚... =p 太久没留言,我心灵会很空虚的~ 突然想到一件我愤愤不平的事,就是我老板一直叫我韦湘!我管他用什么wei,我的名字是慧,智慧的慧!!!
好啦!现在已经是凌晨3:46了。我要... 睡觉吧!应该... 明天... 等下还有东西做,然后下午要去载姐姐和我亲爱的外婆~我觉得我很糟糕耶!很不会表达自己... 哎!要停了...
慧湘!我叫慧湘!还有要给荣祥aka eS[阿飘]的P/S,慧湘很好听,很好看,怎么看怎么对,很感激我爸爸妈妈给我取了这么好听好看的名字,重点是:她跟你的荣祥一样,没什么奇怪好笑的,谢谢,kam xia lu~
Sunday, April 20, 2008
New notebook cooling pad~
Finally, I've got some time to write blog! These few weeks just passed by without me noticing, everyday is just work and work and work, and went out during weekends to relax a bit, and then got home continue work. I wouldn't say life's boring, because everyday I learn new things.. well, almost everyday, and sometimes my sister or friends will find me to go out at night, play or discuss our assignments or something, so my life is actually quite... how to say? My time is fully used, and it's not enough for me to get a good night sleep, and this usually makes me 'fishing' in office. My biggest mission in office is to stop myself from falling asleep, ahaha! And by this moment, Coke and good food is my best friend. That's why I say, I'll get thinner due to stress, but get fat because I eat too much, so in the end I'll be just the same.
Last Friday, my boss told me something that makes me really happy. He told me a client's feedback, and that he likes the design of his living and dining area because of the partition I add. To be honest, I don't really like the partition, I added it because it looks empty and dull, but since he likes it, of course I'm happy~ ^^ However, in the evening, another client disapproved my design. It's a TV cabinet if I'm not wrong, the house is too big for me to remember which part they want and don't want. That.. I don't feel a thing (weird), maybe it's because I expected people to disapprove my ideas? I don't really know.. But my boss said maybe it's the view problem, they don't really understand the drawings, and lack a bit lightings, doesn't look attractive enough, because when I showed him the TV cabinet he liked it.I can just say, different people has different
Wednesday, I went to Red Box with my sister to celebrate her birthday on her off day (she's working in GUESS). Happy belated birthday sis~ Lucky me, I thought I need to pay RM40++ even if I used my sister's free head charge coupon, but who knows? There's this new promotion that members has 20% discount on Wednesday, haha! My sister is a member, lucky me~ In the end we sang till almost 2 in the morning. That very day, I 'put aeroplae' to my classmates because I promised them to go to Sushi King at first. One of them (Mr. Lemon) has got a 'buy one free one'
message, and he asked all of us to have dinner there together. Sorry guys..
Oh yea, almost forgot bout my topic. This morning, er... no, should be yesterday morning, I went to Moral Uplifting to a charity food fair because my friend gave me 2 RM50 coupons her boss gave her. There was nothing much on sale, not much food, so I bought lots of cakes, haven't finish them yet, my cousin will finish them tomorrow I think. And then we went to PISA, since PC fair is held there. I spent RM18 to buy 2 notebook cooling pad, one for me and the other for a friend's birthday. HOPEFULLY no one will give me one during my birthday. By the way, I'm in LOVE with a watch in Vince & Co., I'd be delighted if anyone give me that; or else DotRed card would be nice too! Ahahaha!!!
Ah, I need to prepare to go to sleep d. Good night~ Wish me luck for... everyday... hee ^.^