Done five perspectives today, yay! Now rendering the sixth.. six more to go, 15 days more left to internal assessment. Scary~ We still haven't get the date of internal assessment, but it's 15 days till week 8, our assessment week, hopefully I'd be able to finish everything before that..
4 more weeks till our exhibition, everything seems to be a mess.. Well, not everything, but many things. I went for a meeting that day, and found out that our 'beloved' Principal refuse to sponsor us since he had asked the management of Moral Uplifting Society to charge us cheaper for renting their hall. Duh, so what if they charge cheaper? We aren't allowed to switch on the air-cond on the day before exhibition when we go for preparation. To be perfectly honest, I don't want to have that exhibition, it's not like I can't graduate and find a job without that exhibition, and I have to face double the pressure, spend triple (I think more) of money to prepare the event. It's advertisement for college, yet he don't want to sponsor us even a bit...
Finally Penang's weather gets better after making me sick, GREAT! First the acidic rain makes my skin itch and scares my friends cause my hands and red, and then now down with flu and cough..
Sien~ It's mid-autumn festival, but I've no mood for celebration. Can't go home, lots of assignments to be done, how to celebrate?
Stop here, don't know what to write.. The devil in me asks me to go to sleep, but the angel ask me to continue on my work, and I tell myself to finish my renderings and then go to sleep, because if I don't my laptop will get high fever..
So.. that's it for now.. Happy mid-autumn festival to all those I care.. XOXO
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mid-Autumn Festival
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ghost House
很多人讲我很久没有update blog了…没空嘛!
昨天,和姐姐还有一些朋友去看了泰国鬼片—Ghost House。与其说它是鬼片,还不如说是一部‘精彩’的心理医生纪录片!气死我了啦!两次了,泰国鬼片制作团让我失望两次了。虽然我因为Ghost House的海报和上次那部我已经忘记片名但是同样让我失望的鬼片看了很像,而不对这部戏抱有很大希望,但是这也太…逊了吧!不过听说4bia不错,再看吧!
看戏的时候,我后面坐了一个比我变态的女人。原因在于:她笑到比我夸张!我笑完一个梗,会听到她还在笑。呃…其实这部鬼戏一点都不好笑,不过真的太无聊了,一定要找点东西来做。真的无聊到…暂且不聊它不符合逻辑(我向来不太注重这个)只有一只鬼,而且只出现两次,两次都只露出一只眼睛;男主角老婆的角色根本就是多余的,不知道为什么会安排这个角色;还有解释也不清不楚,听完还要抓我姐来问。(我很仁慈了,还有人讲什么…女主角的妈妈可以去路边‘拾’一个会哭的乞丐回来演也可以…等等等等)厚!甘愿去看黄宗泽的《大四喜》,好像不错…如果有人会欣赏Ghost House这部‘文艺片’,我会佩服得五体投地!对了!它的原名应该是Memory,至少subtitle是这样写,不知道为什么到了马来西亚就变成Ghost House,一间鬼屋都没有。哦!它的精彩之处就是最后那个小女孩的‘蛋蛋’。其实我也不知道他真正是男的还是女的,一开始讲他是女的,后来拍他有‘蛋蛋’,但是他的脸又可爱到像女孩子…
前两天我的表哥和他的朋友回来槟城,让我两天里进行了吃槟城道地美食接力赛,而且之前一天我已经和朋友去吃到饱狂吃了。现在觉得我快疯了。我爱吃也没有疯到这个地步过,那天吃完很好吃的烧鱼和烧鸡翅后胃抽筋,但是后来还去Gurney Drive续摊,哈哈!忘记怎样痛啦~