Friday, February 29, 2008

AR!! Week 8 coming!

Just got back from my place, and it's already one in the morning. I went shopping with Wei Wei after class, because our interview is coming, which is on Thursday, and we need formal clothes. I spent RM50 for just a black shirt (the shopkeeper gave us RM9.90 discount because it was the last shirt in black), but at least cheaper than my pants, which is over 100, =p No one can blame me~ There aren't much choices for my size. AND we bought the same shirt, she took M and I took S. After that we went back to my place and take pictures to put into our CV (everything's last minute).

This morning, my classmates and I went to the place where we always have brunch and ordered the same thing from the same aunty, and in the end we got 'sharkfin soup'! Haha! Of course it was not real sharkfin, but it makes us happy enough. ^^ I think the guys didn't get to drink it, because they went back early, and kept on complaining after that. =p Though her rice are a bit expensive, but we always go back to her, because she's such a nice lady... but her husband looks like my previous lecturer (at least that was what I think), his name is Apo who taught me Pengajian Malaysia, boring and meaningless class.

Ah! Week 8 coming! I still haven't done with my model making, and though I hate to admit it, there are still lots to be done, and I need to pass up during the interview on Thursday. ID presentation is on the next day , and then term break... (i'm not using '!' or '~' BECAUSE I can't go home) The coming week, I need to attend 2 days of AutoVIZ class and sit for UBBL examination on Thursday. I planned to go back on the 12th, and I already booked my flight back. Oh well, RM80 was wasted to change my flight date. Honestly, if it's just UBBL class and NOT exam, I will just skip and go home. In the end, I just have 3 days break... Oooh my! I almost forgot I have to pass up my 2 perspectives of my furniture design in a retail on Monday and UBBL assignment on Thursday, great..

3 days break, and back to Penang again, this time.. practical training. I've to go to this company which is opened by my senior and also a friend of my aunty for training. It's name is 'ZEN DESIGN', hopefully it's not everything bout Zen, I will die there. Ah! I need to get off from Penang. It's so damn stressful here.

Alright, I can hold my eyes no more, too tired. Sleep first! Good night.. Muax~

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