Forgot to post this last night.. I've got the invitation card for
my graduation exhibition, with the theme 'YEAALOR'.. Don't ask me
what it means, cause.. I don't know how to tell; and don't ask me
why the theme is like that, cause it's not my number one choice..
I'm not the one making decision. All in all, there's no need to
ask so much, just.. look.. at the yellow thing~
From 21st to 23rd October at Moral Uplifting Society, Penang..
Welcome~ anyone..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
21st - 23rd October 2008 Moral Uplifting Society
哇!我忘记我还有working drawings没有做!还好诗微提醒我.. 还以为做完video就没了。
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
是这样的,有个人叻,就说我抄袭她的功课!因为啊,那某人和我设计的东西大同小异,所以main idea或取材方面难免有相同,但是我可以发誓设计出来的效果和东西绝对不一样!而且我比她早完成我的作品,是怎样抄她的啦!奇怪...
而设计较简单现代化的就是没设计! 这是她自己讲的哦!与我无关,我只是把她这里那里讲的东西做个总结罢了!
Friday, October 3, 2008
啊哈!终于把全部东西赶得九九十十了,快疯了~ 我的presentation board在我快完成时,整个file不见掉!这是昨天凌晨发生的事。那时我快发疯了,因为那个file很大,所以我只save一个file,而Photoshop没有backup file...不见的时候我用Search找了我整个电脑,没有就是没有,结果我花了一个凌晨加一天的时间从新做过整个presentation board。在我完成之后,我就疯了,频频对着我的电脑笑,哈哈哈!真不敢相信我这样快就完成了一个星期的工作,不明白我之前是在干嘛...还有一件事是我觉得有点不可思议的,就是我快毕业了~哇!有点飘在云端,发梦一样~
今天一早醒来,就驾车回家去等朋友,然后再等她完成她的board。等她之余,我就开始print我的一些东西。一开始printer有东西卡着,那走障碍物后印了一些东西它就开始发神经,颜色怪怪,我以为是没有ink了,就加啊,哪里知道不加还好,一加整个color catridge print出来的东西没变黑白,就是颜色全跑了。真的是Printer倒霉的一天...
哦!我把我毕业展的一些作品先曝光了,在我的album里面,而那气人的presentation board我没放,因为实在太大了,六个A0 size接起来的板啊!
对了!还有!我今天学会换fluorescent tube和starter耶!因为我房间那个灯一直都有问题的了,只是拖了很久都还可以用,所以我就不管了。怎知没回去一个星期,一回去就不能开。家里没有楼梯,然后朋友说她不够高,就叫我踩上椅子,然后她在下面教我。厚~ 好累...还是灯泡比较好换,至少我会让我全身血液倒流,上半身的血在我努力想把fluorescent tube装进去的时候拼命往下冲,呼~
好了,暂时是这样,等下天亮时就要回去printing shop拿我的presentation board,希望一切OK啦~现在我要去把我九九十十的东西赶到省9.5到9.8!加油~
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mid-Autumn Festival
Done five perspectives today, yay! Now rendering the sixth.. six more to go, 15 days more left to internal assessment. Scary~ We still haven't get the date of internal assessment, but it's 15 days till week 8, our assessment week, hopefully I'd be able to finish everything before that..
4 more weeks till our exhibition, everything seems to be a mess.. Well, not everything, but many things. I went for a meeting that day, and found out that our 'beloved' Principal refuse to sponsor us since he had asked the management of Moral Uplifting Society to charge us cheaper for renting their hall. Duh, so what if they charge cheaper? We aren't allowed to switch on the air-cond on the day before exhibition when we go for preparation. To be perfectly honest, I don't want to have that exhibition, it's not like I can't graduate and find a job without that exhibition, and I have to face double the pressure, spend triple (I think more) of money to prepare the event. It's advertisement for college, yet he don't want to sponsor us even a bit...
Finally Penang's weather gets better after making me sick, GREAT! First the acidic rain makes my skin itch and scares my friends cause my hands and red, and then now down with flu and cough..
Sien~ It's mid-autumn festival, but I've no mood for celebration. Can't go home, lots of assignments to be done, how to celebrate?
Stop here, don't know what to write.. The devil in me asks me to go to sleep, but the angel ask me to continue on my work, and I tell myself to finish my renderings and then go to sleep, because if I don't my laptop will get high fever..
So.. that's it for now.. Happy mid-autumn festival to all those I care.. XOXO
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ghost House
很多人讲我很久没有update blog了…没空嘛!
昨天,和姐姐还有一些朋友去看了泰国鬼片—Ghost House。与其说它是鬼片,还不如说是一部‘精彩’的心理医生纪录片!气死我了啦!两次了,泰国鬼片制作团让我失望两次了。虽然我因为Ghost House的海报和上次那部我已经忘记片名但是同样让我失望的鬼片看了很像,而不对这部戏抱有很大希望,但是这也太…逊了吧!不过听说4bia不错,再看吧!
看戏的时候,我后面坐了一个比我变态的女人。原因在于:她笑到比我夸张!我笑完一个梗,会听到她还在笑。呃…其实这部鬼戏一点都不好笑,不过真的太无聊了,一定要找点东西来做。真的无聊到…暂且不聊它不符合逻辑(我向来不太注重这个)只有一只鬼,而且只出现两次,两次都只露出一只眼睛;男主角老婆的角色根本就是多余的,不知道为什么会安排这个角色;还有解释也不清不楚,听完还要抓我姐来问。(我很仁慈了,还有人讲什么…女主角的妈妈可以去路边‘拾’一个会哭的乞丐回来演也可以…等等等等)厚!甘愿去看黄宗泽的《大四喜》,好像不错…如果有人会欣赏Ghost House这部‘文艺片’,我会佩服得五体投地!对了!它的原名应该是Memory,至少subtitle是这样写,不知道为什么到了马来西亚就变成Ghost House,一间鬼屋都没有。哦!它的精彩之处就是最后那个小女孩的‘蛋蛋’。其实我也不知道他真正是男的还是女的,一开始讲他是女的,后来拍他有‘蛋蛋’,但是他的脸又可爱到像女孩子…
前两天我的表哥和他的朋友回来槟城,让我两天里进行了吃槟城道地美食接力赛,而且之前一天我已经和朋友去吃到饱狂吃了。现在觉得我快疯了。我爱吃也没有疯到这个地步过,那天吃完很好吃的烧鱼和烧鸡翅后胃抽筋,但是后来还去Gurney Drive续摊,哈哈!忘记怎样痛啦~
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pantai Sabak之行
今天去了很不可思议的地方!那就是Pantai Sabak啦~ 我才发现原来吉兰丹里还有这样子的渔村耶!要去那边的路上真的有身在荒山野岭的感觉,很怪。而且快到目的地的时候还看见一栋高脚屋,从篱笆到入口处都是被水淹着的,还真好奇那家人是怎样进出他们家的。当时看见了来不及拍下,好可惜~
找了很久很久,终于到了目的地,而且还看到了我要找的东西!就是吉兰丹特有的渔船。可惜的是很多船还没回到来... 虽然很臭(腥味加牛粪羊粪的味道),但很有宁静小村的味道,哈哈哈!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
还好平时训练有素,不然现在可能已经在床上起不了身啦!9:10am冒雨到学校,踏进电梯,该死的电梯竟然不肯关门!更可恶的是当我刚刚跑那不符合By-law的楼梯上三楼时,我那堂课的lecturer慢慢地从电梯晃出来,很心凉的讲:“你们一走电梯就关了~”啊!气煞我也!下午没课,又或者要讲那我们从来没出席的废课,原本约了朋友要去做research的,可是我后来发现我忘了有group discussion,结果当然是没去成啦!还好她没生气,因为她有report要赶,大家都有report要赶,只有我啊!悠哉游哉~ 因为我上星期就做完了,前几天Ms. Yap看了后叫我改的一些东西,我一直拖到昨晚才昨晚,哈哈!爽~ (不要打我!)
Group discussion后,回家时看见姐姐的车有两张parking ticket。那时误会了,以为要还RM10++,回到来研究后才知道其实是RM4.80。但是,我就不肯花那冤枉钱,所以就把车移到一条巷子里去,花了十到十五分钟side parking,哈哈!终于成功了!那位子对我来说又该死的小,成功了超有成就感。
对了!我要讲一样我觉得非常、万分不可思议的事!我说了,我那心凉我没搭到电梯的lecturer,在我喊了一声:“倒霉的一天!迟醒又下雨,”后,竟然不相信我会迟醒!哇!我还真不知道我在他眼中有这样子怪耶!我虽然没事不会逃课,迟到率不会很严重,但我每天早上醒不来已经不是什么新鲜事了,尤其是周末早上没有大件事,没有人是会那么不识相来扰我清梦的,因为我会毫不掩饰的露出‘我要睡觉,不要烦我!’的声音。哇靠!神奇~ 哇哈哈哈哈!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
08/06/2008 很热很热的夜晚
刚才见了Alvin。很久都没见到他了,他… 变了很多。外形变颓废了,据说是为一个舞台剧;而他的人似乎也变得比较稳重了,但一直跟我说些奇怪的东西(与感情无关),而我也一直敷衍他。然后他给我看了一些他的生活照,让我看见了一些很久没见的… 朋友,感觉有点怪怪的。那曾经很要好的朋友,现在是在闲来无事在MSN看到也不会去找他聊天的比普通再普通一点的朋友。说真的,偶尔还会想起那些日子和事情,但想归想,我并没兴趣去回味。
前几天一个人逛街的时候看见了一个小档,卖很多不锈钢的饰品。我最喜欢不锈钢的小饰品,因为它除了不会生锈不会脱色,还蛮坚固的,再加上我第三学期做的不锈钢饰品专卖店,得到最好的成绩(这个理由有点lame),所以以我这个穷学生来说,我最爱stainless steel啦~
Sunday, June 15, 2008
好久没写了,最近我都在干嘛?嗯,这个...我每天都浑浑噩噩的过,实在没什么特别,就上课赶工吃饭看戏睡觉。最特别的就是前天星期六,一早醒来和姐姐去Queensbay Mall,为了等她一起吃午餐+晚餐,在Borders和Artist Gallery晃了整两个小时,看书想idea做research还有找一部很旧很旧的电影,就是Johnny Depp早期的作品--Edward Scissorshands,可是什么都找不到~
吃完后我就回家去,却发现姐姐忘了给我锁匙,call了几位没去prom night的朋友,都没空,我就自己驾车回去Queensbay,想了很久决定看The Incredible Hulk,因为The Happening放映在最小的房间,而且看了trailer后,我一直觉得它的story line有点像The Simpsons,再加上我一个人看电影怕闷...在等电影开始前的半个小时,还好有PiuPiuRaider的陪伴,我才不至于闷死,谢啦~
看完电影,尤其是看了结局我超high的!好期待它的续集哦~当PiuPiuRaider说‘坚强的男人’有出现时我还有点怀疑,因为我真的忘记了绿巨人浩克和这位‘坚强的男人’都是Marvel出品,一直到电影刚开始出现Stark Industries我才霍然想起,paise paise...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
对了!那天weekend看了两部戏,不是因为太有空,而是那两部戏都是我等了很久的戏,以部叫‘口裂女’,另一个叫‘坚强的男人’。看了两部电影的结论是:现在要当translator应该很容易,因为都很差!什么叫坚强的男人?!虽然我不懂Iron Man的华文叫什么,不过可以很肯定的是一定不是坚强的男人。口裂女更糟糕!我在看戏的当儿一直恨不得自己懂得听日语,因为它的字幕都只出一半,演员们讲的后半段话都要靠他们说话的表情和语气去猜测。拜托!去买翻版可能会更好吧!气死我了!!!还好,Iron Man的确是部很不错的电影,虽然没有帅哥美女 =p
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Chicken。欸,真的不错耶!我叫它的Hot Hot Drum,好吃耶!其实是因为我那个朋友她有三张RM5的coupon,今天要过期了,所以找我一起去花掉咯!
嗯,好悃... 先去睡咯~晚安!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
啊!我烧焦了!!!生活作息乱七八糟,人也七乱糟八,每天就只是忙。快要疯掉快要疯掉~!人家说迟睡会导致肝火上升,所以我想我的肝已经焦掉了吧,哈哈!庆幸我还年轻,还熬得了;庆幸我的大脑,在必要时糊涂,想得不多,自然没什么烦恼... 烦恼,没有烦恼~ 不过,看来我的痘痘大作战是泡汤咯!它们开心的,自在的在我身上游走,而我也不断的提供它们在我身上生存的契机。但是我经常想啊,假如我没有痘痘我会蛮美的吧!但同时也会很骄傲。当然,我知道我现在也很骄傲,甚至某些时候有对人有点恶毒 =p 但人一定要有自己的骄傲吧!我没错吧,hehe...
昨天不知道发什么神经,脑袋失控跑去唱K,一进到去以为我要被女生强奸。她是个卖酒的吧!应该... 最近我看到有一个啤酒的... 牌子,好像蛮红蛮便宜的,广告打得很响,叫Tuborg吧!她穿着那个啤酒牌子的性感连身裙,抢着和工作人员进房,然后立刻关上门!啊~!我本来还打算告诉她我不喝酒的叻,但是那间房间很小,我坐着,她站着,而且她大我至少半倍耶!好可怕~~~她笑着问我要喝什么,我突然明白为什么白雪公主怕她的皇后后母了!
今天回公司加班,回来了又和我的姨丈和表妹去火锅之家吃烧烤。哇靠!我才知道原来价钱可以以身高算的耶!神奇!那如果一群侏儒一起去(我没恶意),他不就亏大了?在那边还可以泡茶... 哈哈!可以泡茶的火锅店,我还是第一次看到啊!真的炸到。这老板太会做生意了啦!那边有一张桌子放着一大桶一大桶那种人家拉一个东西,然后水就会好像小便小出来那种桶,旁边摆着两个盒子,一个写‘普洱’,另一个写‘铁观音’,桌子上面有一个架子,放着泡茶的茶壶,下面有那种去餐厅他们喜欢泡在热水里面的茶杯。哇!火锅之家,它是要抢点心之家的生意哦?(忘了讲,那边还有各种点心可以吃)不过道最后我都没叹茶,因为最近不知道怎么搞的,胃酸严重泛滥,今天喝了很多水,吃了很多都没用,还好没有很痛,就... 痛就让他痛吧~
啊~!我还没写 daily schedule,没准备怎样写 report,还没讨 company profile,每个人都问我写了没?我去哪里呕时间出来?噢!我可以在这里写东东厚... =p 太久没留言,我心灵会很空虚的~ 突然想到一件我愤愤不平的事,就是我老板一直叫我韦湘!我管他用什么wei,我的名字是慧,智慧的慧!!!
好啦!现在已经是凌晨3:46了。我要... 睡觉吧!应该... 明天... 等下还有东西做,然后下午要去载姐姐和我亲爱的外婆~我觉得我很糟糕耶!很不会表达自己... 哎!要停了...
慧湘!我叫慧湘!还有要给荣祥aka eS[阿飘]的P/S,慧湘很好听,很好看,怎么看怎么对,很感激我爸爸妈妈给我取了这么好听好看的名字,重点是:她跟你的荣祥一样,没什么奇怪好笑的,谢谢,kam xia lu~
Sunday, April 20, 2008
New notebook cooling pad~
Finally, I've got some time to write blog! These few weeks just passed by without me noticing, everyday is just work and work and work, and went out during weekends to relax a bit, and then got home continue work. I wouldn't say life's boring, because everyday I learn new things.. well, almost everyday, and sometimes my sister or friends will find me to go out at night, play or discuss our assignments or something, so my life is actually quite... how to say? My time is fully used, and it's not enough for me to get a good night sleep, and this usually makes me 'fishing' in office. My biggest mission in office is to stop myself from falling asleep, ahaha! And by this moment, Coke and good food is my best friend. That's why I say, I'll get thinner due to stress, but get fat because I eat too much, so in the end I'll be just the same.
Last Friday, my boss told me something that makes me really happy. He told me a client's feedback, and that he likes the design of his living and dining area because of the partition I add. To be honest, I don't really like the partition, I added it because it looks empty and dull, but since he likes it, of course I'm happy~ ^^ However, in the evening, another client disapproved my design. It's a TV cabinet if I'm not wrong, the house is too big for me to remember which part they want and don't want. That.. I don't feel a thing (weird), maybe it's because I expected people to disapprove my ideas? I don't really know.. But my boss said maybe it's the view problem, they don't really understand the drawings, and lack a bit lightings, doesn't look attractive enough, because when I showed him the TV cabinet he liked it.I can just say, different people has different
Wednesday, I went to Red Box with my sister to celebrate her birthday on her off day (she's working in GUESS). Happy belated birthday sis~ Lucky me, I thought I need to pay RM40++ even if I used my sister's free head charge coupon, but who knows? There's this new promotion that members has 20% discount on Wednesday, haha! My sister is a member, lucky me~ In the end we sang till almost 2 in the morning. That very day, I 'put aeroplae' to my classmates because I promised them to go to Sushi King at first. One of them (Mr. Lemon) has got a 'buy one free one'
message, and he asked all of us to have dinner there together. Sorry guys..
Oh yea, almost forgot bout my topic. This morning, er... no, should be yesterday morning, I went to Moral Uplifting to a charity food fair because my friend gave me 2 RM50 coupons her boss gave her. There was nothing much on sale, not much food, so I bought lots of cakes, haven't finish them yet, my cousin will finish them tomorrow I think. And then we went to PISA, since PC fair is held there. I spent RM18 to buy 2 notebook cooling pad, one for me and the other for a friend's birthday. HOPEFULLY no one will give me one during my birthday. By the way, I'm in LOVE with a watch in Vince & Co., I'd be delighted if anyone give me that; or else DotRed card would be nice too! Ahahaha!!!
Ah, I need to prepare to go to sleep d. Good night~ Wish me luck for... everyday... hee ^.^
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Busy week..
It's been a stressful and busy week, and a week which I spent a lot more than my budget to online at night because I need to send mails and things out. Honestly, I thought I could've spend less and thought I could survive using less than RM100 or RM80 a week by eating economic rice everyday, since there're lots of economical restaurants and cafe in one stop, and if I just order drinks once in a while, RM 100 is more than enough, and I still can afford to go to starbucks or old town once or twice in a week, but not every single bloody day!!! Argh! April coming, have to get some money from my parents again.. I hate to do that, really.. I still don't know how much I'll get for my practical training, yet it's already good news that Shannis (my boss + supervisor) said she'd pay me. I heard a friend said she may have bout RM500 a month (means she may get RM1000, wow!), but because her boss is so stingy, she may deduct it because we're not working on Saturday.
Oh yea, why aren't we working on Saturday? We're suppose to attend Project Management class on Saturday mornings, but the lecturer changed it to Thursday night 7 to 9! Hello~ I finished work on 7, and I usually leave on 7:15pm, that was the earliest within this 2 weeks. There was once when my asked my sister to fetch me, I worked till 8 and wasted 30 more minutes to try to closed to metal gate, because it was stucked, and in the end I have to asked help from a Bangladeshi. Since then, every time they look at me they're like going to laugh! I think I'm going to fall asleep in class... Yesterday I woke up early to go to class, and found out class is cancelled, I feel like collapsing... I was so tired by then, though I'm used to sleep late, but the night before that I promised to finish a design and send it out, so I sat in Starbucks till bout 1, finally wanted to put in the last thing and press ctrl+s, the program had some error and shut down by itself. Oh my! I forgot to save it! Quickly, I redoo everything within 15 minutes. Can anyone imagine finishing a design within 15 minutes, which I used 2 hours before that? Of course, the picture didn't come out nicely, and the next day I received an e-mail asking me do to amendment... The point is, this incident made me a little bit too stressful, and when I went home, took a bath and feel more relaxed, I was drained. After doing some work, it's already 4 in the morning, and that's why I feel like calling to collage to complain when I know the class was cancelled.
After the class was cancelled, my friends took me out for breakfast and went to see the place I work, but it wasn't open yet.. It's already 12:30pm. Then, the few of us went to Gurney, met our other classmates, and so I gave Eng Siang his 7zai I promised to give him on his birthday, and after that went for a movie with AX, her friend, Seb, and my sis. Ar!!! DO NOT WATCH DEADLY GHOST!!! The movie is really dissapointing, first time Thai ghost movie dissapoints me. After movie, my sister and I went to Queensbay to buy some stuff for herself. Oh yea, she's working in Guess now..
Going to sleep now.. Replacement class is fixed on tomorrow.. Hopefully I won't fall asleep... Shannis said she won't go back to office tomorrow, but I still have lots of stuff to do, hmn... K, sleep d, night~ Muax..
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Practical Training~
I've done a week's practical training. Oh well, work load is quite heavy... not really heavy too, but still manageable, and I know I can do better, and I MUST do better in order to get good testimonial and get good results.
As I said before, the company I'm going for practical training is Zenz Design. It is located one the third floor in One Stop, a shopping mall that WAS very famous... that was some time ago. If I'm not wrong, it was like... Billion without KB mall's existance, or better, but surely the place is bigger, and I heard it was quite high class by then. Anyway, now the place is quite scary. My friend starts work on 9 morning, but I start on 11, and because no one is able to fetch me, I follow her car there every morning. There really is nothing to do there in the morning. Besides a few offices that start working early, no shops or restaurants or even cafes are opened before 10am. Oh! I forgot to mention there are also lots of Bangladeshi who wear their green t-shirts with big printed 'House Keeping' are cleaning the place. Oo, I know how to describe the place now, it is like the Bazaar near Pasar Siti Khadijah but slightly high class and cleaner. Hehe...
The company I work in looks good, even my parents said so. It is a small interior design firm with fengshui shop beside. Both shops are opened by the same person. Hoho..!
Anyway, I haven't write my practical training report, and my eyes are a bit tired now.. I'll continue again. Ciao~
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ah Long Pte. Ltd.
I went to watch this movie with my classmate today after UBBL examination. Oh my! It was very nice! Most of my friends came out from the cinema, telling me they still couldn't breath properly because the funny scenes happened one after another, and they couldn't stop laughing. Honestly, I can understand why this movie wins CJ7 and Kung Fu Dunk in Singapore now. It is worth laughing since the movie starts till the end. Besides, there is a really good looking guy who I don't know his name, and my friend said he's a Malaysian model, he acted as one of Fann Wong's most trusted sidekick. There is this very funny scene where Fann hides her breasts, and her mom said: "give half ball like Manchester United" to attract more men..." That is really funny.. Plus Mark act as an a-gua and appearance of Malaysia famous deejay KK, the whole movie really makes me laugh really hard, though come to think of it, the storyline is not very special. Anyway, this movie is worth watching!
This morning, I wanted to eat 濑尿虾炒饭, but the aunty did not open her stall. Aih, I'll miss it for 2 months. I even heard that she won't be opening her stall if we aren't in college. Is that possible? She still has lots of business besides my classmates and I, though we can't deny that we're her most loyal customers. =p A apek who works there even looked at us and said, 'no rice no rice'... After having my lunch (chicken rice uncle's eat char siew rice), my friends and I went to Leith Street campus (2 hours early) to 'prepare' (dreaming and chatting away) for examination. I think without much students going to college (term break), people who work there are too free, because the moment I stepped on the verandah-way, Felix, who is one of them who worked in the college and is not a lecturer; and who interviewed me last week, saw me, and ran to the door to open the door for me, saying 'WELCOME~'.
Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 examination... I managed to finish most of the questions within 2 hours, but there are a few questions I can't answer. Hopefully I can score in this. Bless me.. After that, I went home to take some clothes to take home, and then went to One-Stop with ah ma (Tze Yun) and AX to find the companies where we're going for practical training. Well, ours look ok, and hopefully I can get the chance to learn a bit bout Fengshui, because the one of the boss of Zenz Design owns a crystal and Fengshui shop situated next to it. Hoho!
Alright, gonna stop now. I still haven't finish finding pictures for Mok, and I need to wake up really early to go home. Yahooo~! Stop right here... Muax~
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
UBBL examination tomorrow~
'Think of me, think of me fondly when you say goodbye...' It is lyrics from 'Think of Me' from Sarah Brightman, soundtrack from Phantom of The Opera. It was nothing actually, just a song I'm listening right now. I LOVE this song~
Whew, just finish posting up photos I took in T. Bowl Restaurant and during interview, later I'll post up those I took in War Museum. I just got them yesterday, and yesterday after VIZ class, I went to Starbucks with AiXing. It was about 7 by the time we arrive New World Park, and it was raining cats and dogs. Don't know what's wrong with the weather lately, one moment it was hot like fire, the next minute the wind is blowing so hard that people (me) felt like I'm going to fly away, but then I won't because seconds later, rain started to pour down. (纸沾到水飞不起来,我是纸片人)
I went into Starbucks, ordered my drink (not my drink actually... my friend wanted ice blended green tea, and this week's promotion is if you buy ice blended green tea, you'll get another free ones, oOo yea! I need to pay for it anyway, but half price), and sat at a place beside the glass window, next to my favourite place, because someone sat there. The place was so cold that I can't feel my fingers after a while, and the we asked the waiter to switch off the air-cond and only by then we felt better. About 11pm, two guys who looks quite nerdy walked in and sat behind me. I heard them talking before they were closed to me! They can't stop talking about some lame online games and don't know... many things that connected to games very loudly. ARGH! I almost told them to shut up because this is not a mamak stall, and I don't care who asks you what game you're interested in, and who u won in whatever games after an hour, luckily the left the moment I turned around to face them. I stayed there till the shop was about to shut down, which is around 1 in the morning (and I thought Starbucks are opened 24-7). After that, I went home and started doing the bedroom I promised my friend, and then tried to study a bit, but I was too tired.
I woke up on 1:28pm this afternoon when I received a call from my parents, saying they were already on Penang Bridge. I quickly get up, washed up, packed some things that I need to stay over at my uncle's, and ran to and fro my college to pass up my portfolio. My parents left the car for my sister, and they're gone now, to Johor to find my another uncle. I miss them, but nevermind, I'm going to meet them on Friday, hehe~ Happy!
Ok larh, I need to sit for by law examination tomorrow afternoon, want to study a bit. Good luck for me!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
So much for sleeping early
Alright, so much for sleeping early... This morning, my friend called me and asked me whether I want to take a trip to Langkawi. Since my parents agreed, and I'm always interested in islands and beaches, of course I promised! I went out with my friends in the evening, because they're sending me back to my place, so we can meet up easily early tomorrow morning and go to Langkawi. I got back from Queensbay on 6 something, went to have an early dinner at Old Town, and got back home on 7 something, and then I cleaned myself, packed up, read a novel for a while, and slept on 8:30pm. I planned to wake up on 5 in the morning to prepare myself, but then I received a call from my friend, telling me something about our trip, and since then my phone can't stop ringing. My parents kept on calling me to tell me Malaysia's Election results. They asked me not to go Langkawi in case a riot happen and we won't be able to come back, and asked me to come back to my uncle's place because BN supporters may start a fight with DAP or something.. incident like 513 rusuhan kaum will happen. Now, I won't be sleeping early because I can see my love, which is my beloved laptop, and I'm not going to Langkawi either. Great!
Anyway, I went to War Museum yesterday. After presented my ID project and received my practical training letter, my classmates and I suddenly have the urge to go visit the War Museum at Bayan Lepas. I was in high spirits the moment I got there. Oh, I love being in natural surroundings and place full with heritage things! We started our tour after the reception's briefing by following the arrows on the floor. We walked and look around, nothing very very interesting, but then we walked through a metal door at the path side, realising ourselves were walking into a room where people during the war kept and made bomb (cool~)! After that, we went out of the room by crawling into a tunnel, then stand up and crawl a long stairs which is 90 degrees from the floor. My friend said he saw there's another path when he was half way on the exit on the stairs, but I don't know. It was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too dark there, can't see a thing. We tried to capture the dark path using the camera, but we did not succeed, it's too small and too dark and too 90 degrees.
There are two places where the big bomb and places for on duty officers to be on guard, and both of them have a big field to put the bomb thing. One of the bomb is not there, but the description wrote 'the shadow of the monster bomb' (or something), and the whole ground is painted black with the bombs and bomb shells shapes, and I can't imagine how big it is, I mean HUGE!!! Then, according to the map we get, we found a site at the very steep ground, which is more like a mountain. I walked down bare footed (I loved being bare footed!!) and walked up in my high heels, haha! It's just 'bout 8 inches actually, so it's not very high. =p Next, we went to the torture room, and YUCKS! The smell is really disgusting! Plus the tools and pictures, it freaks me out. There's also a place where girls being raped. My friend was yelling like nuts before I got there, and I just saw fake blood (fake like Sweeney Todd movie), but suddenly I saw hair, very messy hair, and I was startled. In the end I realised it was a fake model showing a raped girl (herself), pointing the place where she was raped. I was really scared by then. Anyway, I really enjoyed being there. There're still lots that I've seen, but couldn't possibly write in here, I spent more than 2 hours in there.
At night, I went for a movie with Ai Xing, my sister and cousin. We went to watch The Spiderwick Chronicles. Quite nice... It's the kid from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, now I want to watch Ah Long Pte. Ltd. and 10,000B.C.. Just waiting for the right time and I can download it. Haha!
Ok larh, gonna stop now, I've written enough today. Ta~
Friday, February 29, 2008
AR!! Week 8 coming!
Just got back from my place, and it's already one in the morning. I went shopping with Wei Wei after class, because our interview is coming, which is on Thursday, and we need formal clothes. I spent RM50 for just a black shirt (the shopkeeper gave us RM9.90 discount because it was the last shirt in black), but at least cheaper than my pants, which is over 100, =p No one can blame me~ There aren't much choices for my size. AND we bought the same shirt, she took M and I took S. After that we went back to my place and take pictures to put into our CV (everything's last minute).
This morning, my classmates and I went to the place where we always have brunch and ordered the same thing from the same aunty, and in the end we got 'sharkfin soup'! Haha! Of course it was not real sharkfin, but it makes us happy enough. ^^ I think the guys didn't get to drink it, because they went back early, and kept on complaining after that. =p Though her rice are a bit expensive, but we always go back to her, because she's such a nice lady... but her husband looks like my previous lecturer (at least that was what I think), his name is Apo who taught me Pengajian Malaysia, boring and meaningless class.
Ah! Week 8 coming! I still haven't done with my model making, and though I hate to admit it, there are still lots to be done, and I need to pass up during the interview on Thursday. ID presentation is on the next day , and then term break... (i'm not using '!' or '~' BECAUSE I can't go home) The coming week, I need to attend 2 days of AutoVIZ class and sit for UBBL examination on Thursday. I planned to go back on the 12th, and I already booked my flight back. Oh well, RM80 was wasted to change my flight date. Honestly, if it's just UBBL class and NOT exam, I will just skip and go home. In the end, I just have 3 days break... Oooh my! I almost forgot I have to pass up my 2 perspectives of my furniture design in a retail on Monday and UBBL assignment on Thursday, great..
3 days break, and back to Penang again, this time.. practical training. I've to go to this company which is opened by my senior and also a friend of my aunty for training. It's name is 'ZEN DESIGN', hopefully it's not everything bout Zen, I will die there. Ah! I need to get off from Penang. It's so damn stressful here.
Alright, I can hold my eyes no more, too tired. Sleep first! Good night.. Muax~
Monday, February 25, 2008
It’s already the 7th week of 5th semester! There are so many things to be done. The model making is complicated enough to drive me CRAZY! Now I believe, bad things do happen at bad times. Something happened that makes my mood goes from bad to the worst, though no one would have believe it will affect me that much (even myself), but I must say, when all these troublesome things come all together, you’d think this world sucks! (I’m not gonna tell what had happened, so don’t bother to ask..) Believe it or not, my mood has never been that bad since.. last year if I’m correct (or I always choose to remember the good part of everything, so I forgot when I feel like a shit.)
Oh well, besides the stupid incident and datelines, there aren’t anything much that happened, but those are enough to make me feel so damn stressful. (I know I’m rude, I even talk to people rudely, but I just can’t control myself now. ) Today I got to know my results for Moral, and I just got a B or B+, I’m not sure. That’s not good, I’ve to work harder in order to get an A for that subject. It sounds stupid? Yea right, but I promised myself I’ve to try me best in every single subject. Last semester’s results was really too disappointing, I can’t afford to let myself drop anymore. I’M A KIASU~ =P
There isn’t any class in the morning, but I have to go to duty, and AutoVIZ class is cancelled because the lecturer is going to a meeting or seminar or something and won’t be back till Wednesday. Good news? Hmn, not really, because I won’t be able to get home and do my work. After ID class, I still need to go to Queensbay to measure the site for our exhibition with a friend. I think I wrote that I didn’t get any post in the graduation committee, ah! This is a last minute. Why this always happen to me? I got the post for Assistant Space Planning, or something similar. It is to go to the site where we’re going to hold our exhibition to measure how big the place is, and then we need to plan how to locate 45 graduates plus visitorssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss into the space. Honestly, I HATE having our exhibition at shopping malls, it’s right that we will be able to attract more people BUT I’m really worried about the outcome of my work and the most important thing is.. We won’t be able to protect our things all the time, and there will be laptops, artwork, models and many many precious things. I really don’t understand WHY GM students insist on having our exhibition there. They’re lucky that we didn’t find any other place that is bigger and cheaper and air-conditioned and safer, huh! The place in QB is so small, I doubt we can locate 45 graduates and artwork in perfectly, but if we can’t it shows that ID department is not good in their field ‘pulok’... Aih, let’s see what will happen after that.
TODAY! I broke (patah menjadi dua[2]) my earphone, and then received a call telling me I have to go to PISA to help out in the education fair this weekend. Yea right, I’m so free that I don’t mind wasting my time there. Hell! It’s the busiest and most crucial week and they’re telling me to go to waste my whole day there?!
Anyway, as I always say, surely there will be good things that happen if you don’t focus on the dark side of life. Haha! I found myself a sponsor~ Alright, not sure yet, but.. If he dares to cheat me I’ll ignore him for the rest of my life. I promised to design his room, and he’ll sponsor me at least RM100, but even if he just donate RM20 I’d be grateful. Besides, my lecturer let me to go to my aunty’s friend company to do my practical training. Well, that isn’t exactly good news, but it’s not anything bad right? And I’m not so scared going to a place with people I know. The company is called ZEN DESIGN, hopefully I can learn lots there. ^^
Oh, I went to a concept restaurant called T.bowl newly opened in QB with my sister and cousin on Saturday. It should make me feel like I’m in a big bathroom, but somehow… I don’t know, I don’t think the design is good enough. However, I had a whale of time there, letting go of my worries for a while makes me feel refreshed. I took lots of photos there, but I still don’t have the time to edit yet, so I think I’ll just post it next time. As a matter of fact, I should stop all these crap now, ta! (At least writing all these out relief stress~)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Not in mood...
Dissapointing! I planned to watch Jumper or Meet the Spartans today, but in the end I watch none of them, because I'm 30 minutes late. However, I met Zee Loon in Gurney Plaza, and ate my mint ice-cream, which I've been wanting to eat for a long time. =)
My big black toe looks like it's recovering rapidly, and I do feel the same, just that it still hurts without touching it, and
it's black! Gerli~~~ Besides, I hurt my leg too because I was trying not to use that toe to walk, and the consequences is hurt my leg, but still it doesn't hurt much, and will be ok in no time, so.. no worries~ ^^
Oh yea, classes were cancelled today, because many people say they want to 拜天公. I never know this kind of events exists before I came to Penang. Honestly, there are so many events in Penang that people want to go 拜拜 (no offense). There were chinese who went to pray during Thaipusam, I don't understand..
Stomachache + headache... Don't know what happen too. Sleep now,
night~ XOXO
Monday, February 11, 2008
First time
course an empty stomach (I’m always hungry =p), that was when I decided to skip my duty and slept again. Hee.. I woke up again on 11am, and realised my lower lip bleeds, and upper lip chapped very badly. This is what happens to my upper lip everytime I had flu, because it tilts.
After taking brunch, I started to do space planning for my project, and almost forgot to go to class. =p Interior design class is on 1:30pm, and it’s 1:27pm when I suddenly remember I’ve a class to attend. I’m always blur, but I don’t know what happened to me, this is the first time I FORGOT I’ve class to attend. When I was packing up rapidly, I overturned the water boiler filled with water on the printer, but I think the printer is OK, since water didn’t go into the machine. The moment I rushed into class, I saw my some of my classmates standing around the lecturer at the back of the class, staring at a laptop. Guess what they’re doing? They’re looking at Edison’s pictures. Those who were not looking were either discussing ‘bout it or trying to open the website on their own
laptop. But then, I’m one of them, who are very nosy, hee.. I know these artistes private life are none of my business, but.. I admit I’m busybody!! ^^
After attending AutoVIZ class, I left my classmates who wanted to go to someone’s house to gamble or something (mainly because I don’t know how to gamble, and secondly I’m not feeling well), and went straight home. When I was carrying the full water boiler, I almost slipped and I SPRAINED MY TOE!!! The floor was quite wet by then, and my right foot slipped, my first instinct was to balance myself by using my left foot to stand still, that was when I kicked on the 50mm step up from the kitchen to living area. At the very moment, besides the sound of water sprung out from the water boiler (‘plooop’), I can swear I heard my bone made a sound – ‘kruack’. Now my big toe swells very badly, and I can’t even walk properly. =( I just hope it is really just a sprain, and that I didn’t hurt my bone or something more serious. Bless me.. 阿弥陀佛.. This is also the first time I sprained any part of my body so badly.
Oh yea, I heard that this year, which is the year of Mice is a good year for Dragons, especially for those who are involved in arts. Haha! I’m a Dragon. Besides, year 2008 is also good for a Taurus. I
don’t remember what’s so good ‘bout being a Taurus, but my cousin says it’s something ‘bout love life. 桃花运 if not wrong, but I think it’s more like 一坨坨、一堆堆的烂桃花,当肥料比较好。Well, I never really believe in this kind of forecasts, but still, if it’s good I’ll choose to believe, since I lose nothing for believing it, and I’ll be happy, because I’m blessed with happiness and lots of luck everyday.
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Today is already the sixth day
of CNY, time to chase away holiday mood and get back to work.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
There's only six people who come to class today, and one comes after breakfast, which means before 10:30am, there was only five persons. Now, left four, one went home, and the other one..
smoking, perhaps.
Two days of travelling long distance by car makes me sick. I've a slight fever and flu since last night, and I think the 'package' (which Jo El told me) is attacking. Plus, with the disgusting fried
rice I ate just now, I feel like vomitting now. My troat is so sore, and a bit headache. Besides, today's class will continue till 7 night, makes me feel worse. However, there're lots of things I
haven't done, and it's already the fifth week of this term! OMG!!!
Just now my classmate asks me how am I going to celebrate Valentine's Day few days later, and.. haha! Where am I going to find a lover to celebrate with? Ah! Forget 'bout it and just concentrate on my assignments, that'll be the best way to get through the day. As my mom says, Valentine's is just any ordinary day but a chance for business people to earn money. =p
Good luck to me today. I believe everyday is a good day if I'm optimistic, ho0oo.. Stop here, I want to kacau other people, hee..
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Happy chinese new year!
Siang and Peow at the night before I left there. Siang's boyfriend didn't made it because he already promised his friends, but three of us had a nice time together too! One day before new year eve, I
went to Johor Bahru, where my beloved grandma and most of my relatives stay. On the first day of chinese new year, I went to watch Stephen Chow's CJ7. Oh well, the movie is quite dissapointing, though the kid in the movie acted nicely, and CJ7 (the dog) is very cute! I went to Aeon Tebrau City's Jusco, which is located a stone's throw away from my uncle's house with my cousins and sister. The minute we arrive near the cinema, we saw lots of people queued up outside and we thought they were buying Baskin Robin's ice cream! It's 5 minutes later only I realised the queue is from the cinema! So, we decided to book the tickets through phone, and it took us 15 to 20 minutes to connect to the line, and waited for another 10 minutes for the operator to pick up
the phone. Ah!
Second day of new year, I went shopping with my sister, then at night, watch Jay's Kung Fu Dunk. Ah! I'm in love with 陈柏霖 and Baron Chen. They're too good looking! In my opinion, Kung Fu Dunk is a better movie than CJ7 (no offense), or maybe because I like basketballmatch, hee..
Ah, gonna sleep first. Class starts tomorrow morning, and I want to go back to clean my room because I'll be back late in the evening.
That's it for now, bye~